Monday, October 22, 2007

A dream or a sign?

I woke up this few days with strange dreams. The message the dreams sents are similar.Might be i think the same thing too much d. Humzzz..
Im very very tired of thesis. Its sucking all my life out of me. I havent accomplished much this semester. S.O.S...Thanks to everyone that help me this few days. By just having lunch i released my stress..Odd way..I need all the strength, wisdom, knowlegde and blessings from God to go through this period. Love goes all out to the people around me..Hugs*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A so-called Healthy Diet

I challenged myself and my guinea piggy friend Marilynn Tim Tham to a Vege and Fruit Diet for 3days.For people out there you might think its a piece of cake.But damn..It's like so hard for me.I eat meat every single meal.EVERY!and this is my second day in the challenge.Its like freaking hard to eat things without meat in it.Everywhere i go sells meat.Saliva Dripping*.Succulent meat!!To make things worst i cant even eat seafood.damn..I wan PRAWNS..Prawns..PRAWNS.Anyways..My food for yesterday was Nandos Regular Chip..hehe..Mash Potato and Instant Noodles..Its the most unhealthy stuff compare to meat.Today i had better though.Eating Subway.Subway..with Vege Patty..How uncool is that.They must have thought i vege freak o what.And corns from Nandos.Needa survive for another day..woohoo then can eat seafood at least.Actually I wanted to fast for 1 whole day..But hack its like so hard..need to think of my thesis.And i for sure cant do that with an empty stomach.
The best is saved for the last they said: Yeah, the best part of this so-called Healthy Diet is that i actually dream that i ate meat and broke the challenge.And wellz i woke up without eating. I dont think that eating it in my dreams counts as breaking the rule of not consuming meat.LOL

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

City Of Mandurah

A little change from the scenery of Perth City and the out of the vicinity of KARAWARA.
Australian Brekky
My burger

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Erica Underwood House Outing 7 Oct

The student housing organized a trip to various wineries and choco factory where i got my shirt and nougat(which is pronounce as Nu ga).If i would create something similar to Nougat i would call it Kauknenat(which i pronounce as Ka ni na).
Only few pictures was taken.Dunno why.Lazy to take out camera.Regretting it now though.

Whats left of my Mondo Nougat
Margaret River Choco Factory
Oakover Winery
Houghton Winery mini Bottle
Partial Macadamia Slice
Tiramisu in Monda Nougat Factory

Last But not Least a souvenir

Got a cool T-Shirt wif my kind of Addiction on it.
Sam,Sarah,Sarah 2,Me(Sarrel)

Harvest Restaurant 6 Oct

This cool restaurant locates itself in a quiet town of fremantle.From outside it looks kinda little Hut cafe.Like running illegal business in Malaysia.Outside looks like decent coffee shop.But when goes inside like selling apa apa macam also got.Juz joking.But it really looks so.Some of the food and the people that made the day.

Like quinche..
Blueberry Pancake.
A hearty brekky..Drools*
A hot Mocha to kick start my day.
Da yong and me

A also went to Cottesloe Beach the very same day.Sizzling Hot.But not Peri Peri hot ok!
Me, Yee Fang, Sarah, Thomas and Friends!!choo choo

Starting all over again

Its been long since i blog.I cant find any ideas to blog.Im a bad blogger.
But since im on something now i shall blog.
30days of not playing dota and going to casino.
Hope this will stay.Must get my thesis done very very very soon.