Monday, April 30, 2007

Everything is crumbling..i need to pick up those debris to form a perfect puzzle again..

Life's been just a straight line lately...too many things to think about my projects and assignments. I need some inspiration for my project now..Think Think Think!
I cant wait for tomolo to come..I need my darn broke this few days..Eat Perth healthy grass lur..
It happens to me before when im in its happening now..I need my salary to get me going again. I hope for brighter days to come..gloomy sky please shoo away..Blocking my SUN nia.

I need faith..where's my faith?i need to go back to the spotlight again. Through HIM i have taken a right decision. At times i try and hope for things that aren't His will but at the end of the day He is still the person i need to turn to, to correct myself. Im always thinking Why Why Why?

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